Do you have a blog.html page on your site? Or a section on your homepage where you list posts? Structure it the following way to make it an HTML Blog and let anyone subscribe to it with an atom feed.

<h1>m15o's blog</h1>

  <li><time>2022-01-02</time> <a href="/blogging-for-fun.html">Blogging for fun</a></li>
  <li><time>2022-01-01</time> <a href="/hello-world.html">Hello world</a></li>

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=> Get Atom feed from blog
=> View an example blog
=> Learn more

The Neon Kiosk

Just a funny looking Kiosk! Just a funny looking Kiosk! Just a funny looking Kiosk! Just a funny looking Kiosk! Just a funny looking Kiosk!

An ordinary looking virtual kiosk.

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HTML Blog format is out!